H-Socialisms Seeks Book Reviewers

Gary Roth (he/him) Announcement
Announcement Type
Call for Volunteers
Subject Fields
Digital Humanities, Humanities, Social History / Studies, Social Sciences


H-Socialisms posts book reviews on the history, practices, and relevance of ‘socialisms’, past and present. Socialism has meant many things to many people, and we hope for H-Socialisms to reflect this diversity of perspectives and interests. Book topics include religious and secular millenarianisms, populist upsurges, the traditional foci on social democracy, marxism, and anarchism, the newer independent and autonomous social movements, recent trends regarding the commons and communalization, and much more. The historical context for the emergence of alternative modes of thinking about - and acting within - modern society is a major focus. Other books for review emphasize the ideas, theorists and theories, politicians and regimes that have defined socialism in popular perception, with the latter also of keen interest. We seek reviewers with a wide range of interests and backgrounds. (https://networks.h-net.org/h-socialisms


Send a short CV with your areas of interest to Gary Roth (garyroth@newark.rutgers.edu), Book Review Editor, H-Socialisms/H-Net.