Call for panelists to join a proposed panel on masculinity for 2017 SSHA conference (Montreal, Nov 2-5 2017)

Ruchen Gao Announcement
Announcement Type
United States
Subject Fields
Cultural History / Studies, Humanities, Labor History / Studies, Social History / Studies, Women's & Gender History / Studies

I am a PhD candidate at University of Minnesota, working on the formation of new models of elite manhood during early twentieth-century China. I am looking for people to form a proposed panel at the 2017 Social Science History Association in Montreal (November 2–5) on the intersections of masculinity, class, and politics (writ large), across contexts. No limits on geographic areas, temporality preferred to be within nineteenth century to twentieth century. My own paper would be about the challenges Chinese ideals of manhood faced as new models of elite manhood from the European Enlightenment emerged to replace the old Confucian model. Elizabeth Faue at Wayne State University, who works on masculinities of the American working class, has agreed to serve as the panel discussant.

We welcome people with mutual or comparative research interests to join this proposed panel. Please shoot me an email at with your proposed title and thoughts or questions about potential directions for the session.

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