Migration History Seminar

Anna Maguire Announcement
Subject Fields
Black History / Studies, Colonial and Post-Colonial History / Studies, Immigration & Migration History / Studies, Race Studies, World History / Studies

The Migration History Seminar presents exciting new research, wide ranging in geography and chronology and in how migration is defined.

All sessions will be held online using Zoom on Wednesdays, 5-6.30pm GMT. Registered attendees (via Eventbrite) will receive a link to join each session ahead of time.

Programme, 2022-23

12 October: Uttara Shahani, Caste, Partition and the Prevention of Exit

16 November: Sophie Cooper, Women Write: Comparing Experiences across the Irish Religious Diaspora

7 December: Elise Franklin, Threads of Decolonization: Social Institutions and Algerian Family Migration after Empire

18 January: Jessica Fernández de Lara Harada, Transpacific Crossings: Anti-Asian racism in the Euro-Amerindian 'mixed-race' racial system of 'mestizaje'

22 February: Kennetta Hammond Perry, The Prayers of David Oluwale: Writing History Along the Bias Grain

22 March : Freddy Foks, Emigration state: subsidising and restricting Commonwealth migration in twentieth-century Britain

19 April: PhD Session - Amelia Francis, Sameema Rahman and Karl Arthur

24 May: Regina Donlon, Identifying and (De)constructing Mutative Ethnicities in the Tuke-Irish immigrant communities, 1875-1920

You can download the programme abstracts here .

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