ANN: U.S. Diplomats' Actions at the Outbreak of WWI

William B. McAllister Discussion

The Office of the Historian, U.S. Department of State, has released the preview edition of “Views From the Embassy: The Role of U.S. Diplomats in France, 1914.” Based on archival research in French and U.S. sources, this study focuses on American officials' responses to the humanitarian crises that arose immediately upon the outbreak of war, including provision of assistance to stranded American citizens, representation of belligerent powers' interned nationals, protection of foreign property, and the creation of neutral hospital facilities for wounded soldiers. This work presents a fascinating account of how actions spearheaded by U.S. diplomats strengthened Franco-American relations in unique ways, and complements information presented on U.S. Embassy France’s WW1 website. This information is of interest to both generalist and specialist audiences.