CfP, Transnational Actors and Captives in War: A Global Perspective (edited volume)

Marcel Berni Discussion
Call for Papers
April 30, 2019
Subject Fields: 
Military History, Diplomacy and International Relations, World History / Studies, Political History / Studies


We are looking for contributions to an edited volume focusing on the involvement of transnational actors in wartime captivity during the 19th and 20th centuries. Instead of focusing on just military POWs we purposely use the much broader term of “captives” as it also includes civilians who fell into the hands of one of the belligerent parties and is better suited to acknowledge the numerous definitions over time and in different places. We are looking for a variety of case studies on the topic. Such case studies can include, but are not limited to, the following armed conflicts:

  • The American Civil War
  • The FrancoPrussian War
  • The Boer Wars
  • The RussoJapanese War
  • The “Malayan Emergency”
  • The Korean War
  • The Mau Mau Uprising
  • The Algerian War
  • The Nigerian Civil War
  • The IranIraq War
  • The Falklands War
  • The Gulf War

We are looking to address questions such as "what role did supranational organizations, global institutions and transnational actors with regard to captives play?" And "how did international practices influence the fate of captives?". The edited volume aims to overcome traditional approaches and focus more on the international actors and institutions involved rather than the captives or captor states themselves. By stressing the importance and significance of international and transnational actors, which started and developed during the last couple of centuries, we hope to shed light on a new aspect in wartime captivity studies.

Please submit a working title as well as an abstract of your article (600–800 words) by April 30, 2019. We will select the articles which thematically suit the volume best and notify you by mid-May. Your final contribution should be approximately 7,000–8,000 words in length, including endnotes (Chicago Manual of Style), and you are expected to submit the full article by October 30, 2019.

Contact Info: 

Tamara Braun, Chair Military History, Swiss Military Academy at ETH Zurich,

Marcel Berni, Chair Strategic Studies, Swiss Military Academy at ETH Zurich,