"The Challenge of Globalization to Japan’s Food Producers" by Yohei Matsunobu at Sophia U., Jan 18th

David H. Slater Discussion
The Challenge of Globalization to Japan’s Food Producers:
Analyzing food safety and security system building, and meeting international standard
Yohei Matsunobu
18:30 - 20:00, Jan. 18, 2018
Room 301, 3F, Building 10, Sophia University
In recent years, not only the trade in agricultural products but also that of processed foods has become increasingly globalized. Consequently, food safety has become a shared concern for people in every country. Efforts by businesses and governmental administration are imperative to support food safety in the modern society. Today, Japanese traditional food culture has become highly regarded abroad, yet Japan struggles to meet the common standards with the international community that will allow it to further disseminate its food culture overseas.
Yohei Matsunobu is a Visiting Professor at the Metropolitan University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Human Health Department, and a Lifetime Council Member at Cornell University. He graduated from the Law faculty, University of Tokyo, in 1960, and was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship. He worked for 30 years with the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries with a specialization in food and agriculture policies, focusing on food safety and security.
This talk is organized by ICC research unit Global Japanese Cuisine Project (https://www.global-japanese-cuisine.org/)
Lecture in Japanese with English translation / No prior registration necessary / Free of charge
Institute of Comparative Culture (ICC) Sophia University / 上智大学比較文化研究所
7-1 Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8554, JAPAN
+81-3-3238-4082 / +81-3-3238-4081(fax) / Email diricc@sophia.ac.jp / Web: http://icc.fla.sophia.ac.jp/


これからのグローバル化と日本の食・農の課題: 安全安心への体制の整備と国際基準への対応からの分析
松延 洋平
松延洋平: 1960年に東京大学法学部を卒業の後、フルブライト奨学生として渡米。コーネル大学にてビジネスと公共政策を学ぶ。農林水産省で30年に亘り食と農業政策、特に食の安全の専門家として活躍。現在は首都大学東京大学院人間健康科学研究科 客員教授、コーネル大学 終身評議員、コンサルタントとしても活動している。
この講演は比較文化研究所研究ユニットGlobal Japanese Cuisine Project の企画によるものです。
Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture
7-1 Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8554
+81-(0)3-3238-4082 (Tel) / +81-(0)3-3238-4081 (Fax)
http://icc.fla.sophia.ac.jp/ (Web)
diricc(at)sophia.ac.jp (email)